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well I'm gonna start a topic about the war
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Angelina's Man
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 1:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fenerli wrote:
ZED, LeeBee and Roba, i think you have watched only own TV, you have red only US-Newspaper and than you are seeing the problem from your own site. But it is not so like you are thinking. Please try to see the problem from the other site too.

Lol I am not usually reading US newpapers Smile I read czech newspapers, and watch czech TV Smile.... we have different opinions on this thing, thats it, media has nothing to do with it.

Fenerli wrote:

Have you got sombody from your own familie in US-army ? I think, you have not. If you would have, so you would be against war and against attacking iraq and saddam. We all can write hier anything, but we all will never understand to be in a war.

No I dont have anyone in military and its really bad when your son/husband/friend die in war. I probably would be against war if I had, but than it wouldnt be objective opinion. Also isnt war risk of being in army? They had choice, and they choose army carrer. They must be prepared for going into war.
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UT Celebrity
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 2:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fenerli wrote:
Do you understand me? Damn, i want to write much more, but i can't and you know why.
I hope, you don't hate me, because i have other opinion as you. Crying or Very sad

LOL no-one hates you Smile I like cold coffee you wouldnt hate me for that would you Smile

Have you got sombody from your own familie in US-army

My brother is in the Army. He is in bomb disposal Shocked

Any war is a bad thing, everyone would agree with that, but imo what is worse is a ruthless dictator aquiring more and more land/assets and preparing for war.

IF he is not stopped.. then what is to stop him taking over the world. And why wouldnt he if he possessed the means.

I would like to know what all these protesters would be saying if he was marching into their home intent on conquest because no one opposed him. (dont just mean you Fen but everyone against stopping him now)

You said please try to see the problem from the other side. I would like to see what problem that side has got?
They are the only ones that could have avoided this war and they turned down the chance on a lot of times.
Why couldnt they just get rid of all their weapons of mass destruction and let the UN inspectors in?

War is not the answer. But it IS the only solution here. Sad

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 3:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did u know that the us supported saddam first, it supported bin laden first its not like u zed say that the us is always the brave WHITE KNIGHT.
And as u said it is all about economics (oil)
Yes I did know that the US supported the two. But it is easy to tell someone their decision was bad, after the fact. And I Never said it was all about economics, hell if it was, why doesnt the US default on all their loans, and say tough shit?

If it was all about oil then why didnt the US take over Iraq during the Gulf War? They very well could have. I never said the US was always the brave WHITE KNIGHT (if i did please point this out), i am just saying that when things need to be done, some country has to step up.

Next Thing the US dont do anything against world environmental pollution they didnt underwrite or left the Conference on Climate Change in Kyoto so please dont tell us how brave the us administration is cause i cant hear it anymore and i cant stand that worldpolice thing either
What does this have to do with the war right now and bravery? HOw much Research and Development comes from the United States, whether it be computers, more efficient ways to use our natural resources, etc....

And last i am happy to life in a country where i can go out and sit in a park having a nice cold beer without being arrested by the police.
hope that u are not pissed off with me zed but i had to write that down
No I would never be pissed off for you writing your opinion. I too am very happy with my country.

ZED, LeeBee and Roba, i think you have watched only own TV, you have red only US-Newspaper and than you are seeing the problem from your own site
HOw do you know what I have read and havent, and my opinion is not only formed on media topics. Tell me then what history tells us, the gulf war was a mistake? Saddam has no weapons, the scud missiles he claimed not to have, then used was all a fabrication?

Please try to see the problem from the other site too.
Are you in IRAQ? Tell me the other side, where has your POV come from, where do you get your information, I would like to see the other side, but I would also like to know how you formed your view. Is the other side, lets lie to UN weapon inspectors, 12 years ago we would take over Kuwait, but really we meant no harm to anyone, we just wanted our land back, Saddam isn't a dictator.

I actually have a few friends in the navy. And you know what? I am not against war, it is because they signed up to be there. And if my country called me to go to war, I would go, to fight for all the freedoms we have here in the US.

Have you ever experienced seeing two major cities in your country being terrorized by airplanes, worried about relatives and friends you know who live in those cities, watched 1000s of americans running in fear, live on tv???

If you had then you would support defending your country and freedoms at all costs. And if that meant I would have to risk my life, for those I love, then so be it.

ZED, LeeBee and Roba, i think you have watched only own TV, you have red only US-Newspaper and than you are seeing the problem from your own site. But it is not so like you are thinking.
how can you tell me I am not thinking? Where are your "perfect, unbiased" sources? Have you ever watched US news, or read US newspapers, right now there are 7 channels covering only the war, please don't make a statement like "But it is not so like you are thinking." my opinions are formed for various reasons, not one particular one.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 4:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

LeeBe wrote:

LOL no-one hates you Smile I like cold coffee you wouldnt hate me for that would you Smile

THX ! Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 11:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hello All.....

Being French (and proud of it), i would like to give u my opinion.
I may hope u will excuse my poor english.

But first i would like to thank u for ur server, the greatest i played on so far.

War in Iraq is trully a rough subject.
You might (i mean the US) have been upset by french decisions taken about this difficult situation and by the threat to VETO the second resolution at ONU.

But all is a metter of opinion.
Why this opposition of France to this war ?
Because I fell that UN weapon inspector had not finish their work which could have lead with more time to Iraq disarmament.

Because i think that war is always a bad thing.

Because i think that this war will not reduce the terrorist threat in the world. On the contrary, i am pretty sure the situation will be worst after.
I don't think France is a "coward nation". We also faced terroriste atacks in past (of course at a smaller scale) for example in 1995, 1996 in Paris or recently in Pakistan.)

Because there is no clear proof of the exitence of massive destruction weapons in Iraq. (At least proofs that Collin Powells presented at the UN were not clear).

If such massive destruction weapons were to be used against american soldiers during this war, i am sure my country would support and help US troups.

France was, is and will be one of the United States' allies.

I guess people of the 'old Europe' have sometimes the feeling that USA wants to rule the world without consideration of others opinions.

Personnaly i think that the fall of Saddam will surely help people of Iraq. It might be the best thing that could occur to them. But i don't think it will solve terrorists' attack problem.
IMO North Korea represents a greater threat.

I hope that this war will not last long and that there will not be heavy american and british casualties.

Thx Zed for this very interesting thread.

See u soon on the OCA server (at least if i am still allowed to play on it Laughing )
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UT Noobie
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 12:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thx Zed for this very interesting thread.

See u soon on the OCA server (at least if i am still allowed to play on it

lol yw, and lol no if i didnt want opinions then i wouldnt have started the topic.

@ fenerli, post in english and german if you really want to say something, I will find a translator or ask someone what things mean if I cant understand things. That shouldnt be a reason you can't state your opinion.


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 1:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lol yw, and lol no if i didnt want opinions then i wouldnt have started the topic.

Lol thx Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 5:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Without Words Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
The second Cut is the Deepest
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 12:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ich finde es nicht ok was amerika macht. der amerikanische regierung ist es ziemlich egal für die freiheit des irakes, es geht nur um GELD sprich: öl und munitions verschwendung damit die rüstungs industrie wieder aufträge bekommt und so das geld wieder rein fließt. wenn es um die freiheit ginge wieso hat dann amerika nicht damals den kurden geholfen wie saddam sie angegriffen hat? sprich: giftgas angriff und massen ermordungen. wieso hat da nicht amerika geholfen, die kurden haben gebettelt damit die amerikaner kommen und was war sie haben nur zu geguckt. sie kommen nur wenn was für sie selber rauspringt sprich: wie irak kuwait angegriffen hat, da is amerika gekommen und hat kuwait unterstützt. obwohl kuwait die irakischen öl leitungen angezapft hat. (war aber vor den angriff an die kurden). amerika hält sich nicht an die verfassung, sie greifen ein land an ohne grund an. bush spricht bei seiner rede es geht gegen den terror und um die freiheit. mich hat gewundert, wieso sagt er terror ????? der irak hat damit überhaupt nichts zu tun gehabt, es gibt keine beweise. er hat auch gesagt das die UNO inspektoren versagt haben. wieso versagt ?????? er hat ihnen keine zeit gegeben, sowas kann von heut auf morgen nicht voll endet sein. bush wollte den krieg haben. jetzt komm ich mal zu den gefangenen beider seiten. im fernsehn hat man die armen US soldaten zitternt vor der kamera gesehn, bush verurteilt die europäischen fernsehsender weil sie sowas zeigen. aber das CNN die bilder von gefangenen irakes zeigen die am boden liegen und ein US soldat sie brutal fesselt das ist ok. bush spricht auch von humane behandlung für die soldaten der USA, aber was ist eigentlich von damals die gefangen genomenen talibankrieger ??? da hat es geheissen von einen amerikanischen minister: diese menschen haben bei uns keine RECHTE !!!. (sowas finde ich nicht in ordnung !) dieser krieg führt zu keinen frieden !!!! nein es wird noch mehr geben !!! die kurden flüchten und die türkei stellt schon ihre truppen auf. es ist nur eine frage der zeit bis dort der krieg beginnt. was macht bush dann ? lässt er seine truppen abrücken ? oder wird er dort auch eingreifen ? dieser krieg verursacht mehr TERROR als je ! weil jetzt saddam palästinenser pro kopf bezahlt damit sie terrorangriffe machen ! durch diesen krieg spaltet sich EUROPA, uneinigkeiten zwischen england, spanien gegen deutschland, frankreich, österreich und der rest. ich frage mich wieso england und spanien amerika hilft ? (nichts gegen die engländer und spanier selbst !) ich verstehe nur nicht, wie kann nur england ein staat der EUROPÄISCHEN UNION nur amerika militärisch unterstüzen ? entweder gehören sie zu europa oder sie sind ein staat der amerikaner ? eine mitbeteiligung des krieges eines EU staates sollte durch einer abstimmung der EU länder bestätigt werden. nicht einfach so in den krieg ziehn. (das ist meine meinung) ich könnte noch mehr schreiben über meine meinungen und gründe des krieges, aber es macht mich einfach traurig darüber nach zu denken. meine letzten worte sind


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 12:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jetweb(AUT) wrote:
ich finde es nicht ok was amerika macht. der amerikanische regierung ist es ziemlich egal für die freiheit des irakes, es geht nur um GELD sprich: öl und munitions verschwendung damit die rüstungs industrie wieder aufträge bekommt und so das geld wieder rein fließt. wenn es um die freiheit ginge wieso hat dann amerika nicht damals den kurden geholfen wie saddam sie angegriffen hat? sprich: giftgas angriff und massen ermordungen. wieso hat da nicht amerika geholfen, die kurden haben gebettelt damit die amerikaner kommen und was war sie haben nur zu geguckt. sie kommen nur wenn was für sie selber rauspringt sprich: wie irak kuwait angegriffen hat, da is amerika gekommen und hat kuwait unterstützt. obwohl kuwait die irakischen öl leitungen angezapft hat. (war aber vor den angriff an die kurden). amerika hält sich nicht an die verfassung, sie greifen ein land an ohne grund an. bush spricht bei seiner rede es geht gegen den terror und um die freiheit. mich hat gewundert, wieso sagt er terror ????? der irak hat damit überhaupt nichts zu tun gehabt, es gibt keine beweise. er hat auch gesagt das die UNO inspektoren versagt haben. wieso versagt ?????? er hat ihnen keine zeit gegeben, sowas kann von heut auf morgen nicht voll endet sein. bush wollte den krieg haben. jetzt komm ich mal zu den gefangenen beider seiten. im fernsehn hat man die armen US soldaten zitternt vor der kamera gesehn, bush verurteilt die europäischen fernsehsender weil sie sowas zeigen. aber das CNN die bilder von gefangenen irakes zeigen die am boden liegen und ein US soldat sie brutal fesselt das ist ok. bush spricht auch von humane behandlung für die soldaten der USA, aber was ist eigentlich von damals die gefangen genomenen talibankrieger ??? da hat es geheissen von einen amerikanischen minister: diese menschen haben bei uns keine RECHTE !!!. (sowas finde ich nicht in ordnung !) dieser krieg führt zu keinen frieden !!!! nein es wird noch mehr geben !!! die kurden flüchten und die türkei stellt schon ihre truppen auf. es ist nur eine frage der zeit bis dort der krieg beginnt. was macht bush dann ? lässt er seine truppen abrücken ? oder wird er dort auch eingreifen ? dieser krieg verursacht mehr TERROR als je ! weil jetzt saddam palästinenser pro kopf bezahlt damit sie terrorangriffe machen ! durch diesen krieg spaltet sich EUROPA, uneinigkeiten zwischen england, spanien gegen deutschland, frankreich, österreich und der rest. ich frage mich wieso england und spanien amerika hilft ? (nichts gegen die engländer und spanier selbst !) ich verstehe nur nicht, wie kann nur england ein staat der EUROPÄISCHEN UNION nur amerika militärisch unterstüzen ? entweder gehören sie zu europa oder sie sind ein staat der amerikaner ? eine mitbeteiligung des krieges eines EU staates sollte durch einer abstimmung der EU länder bestätigt werden. nicht einfach so in den krieg ziehn. (das ist meine meinung) ich könnte noch mehr schreiben über meine meinungen und gründe des krieges, aber es macht mich einfach traurig darüber nach zu denken. meine letzten worte sind


Danke, Jet. Da kann ich nichts mehr hinzufügen.

ZED, JET has written in german, what i wanted to write too. I hope you understand the post from JETWEB. In his post is nearly everything included.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 12:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd first like to say, this is a forum where users from all over the world come together. Everyone looks at the matter from his own perspective, usually based on the information provided by the news-sources available to him / her (tv, newspapers, internet).

Even if one lives in a country that's free and democratic, no one knows whether he has all the information or not, what kind of info is hold behind by his news-sources, and what info is pushed.
So it's very hard to judge for yourself between facts and propaganda, let alone judge others for their opinion.

As far as I know, when the UN was formed, all members gave up their "right" to start a war. The responsability to decide a war should be declared is thus in the hands of the UN, unless a country is attacked itself (right of self-defence).

As far as I know, the US government has not given evidence the 9/11 attack and Iraq are linked (which doesn't mean they are not linked, but only it's not proven), so this war can't be seen as self defence.
Which means it is an attack on Iraq.
Which means it is illegal, because the US has given the right and responsability to decide so to the UN. If the US can't live with that, they should take the consequences and give up their UN membership.

Personally, I think Saddam Hussein will share a room with Adolf Hitler in hell, and I think the Gulf region and the world will be better of without him. But that's not a decision for a single country to make, that's a decision for the world (the UN) to make.

And indeed, the UN should really have a bug-fix applied, cause in the way it acts now it's very close to useless (that is, the safety council; other parts, like unicef aren't that useless AFAIK). But until that happens, we'll have to live with it as it is now.

I also wonder what happenden to the English, the Israeli or the US intelligence services. I mean, a couple of hundreds of thousands soldiers to hit one man...?

The day the war started, there was 'relieable intelligence' that Saddam Hussein was at a certain place in Baghdad, and 'intelligent missiles' were directed towards him.
One hour later, the man was on tv. So either there was something wrong with the intelligence, or something was wrong with the weapons.
Which raises questions about the use of intelligence and weapons in the remaining part of the war...

These are just my opinions, based on the info that's available to me. I did not mean to offend anyone.

And, I'll admit, I wish there had been a country like the US back in 1938 that unilaterally took actions against Hitler.

I hope I'll never have to choose between a dictator and a war.
May God bless the Iraqi people.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very well written indeed, with a lot of very good points!!
I have been wanting to add to this thread for a while now, but I have found it hard to express my feelings with any real eloquence, so have refrained so far.
Your post has really covered most of my feelings and concerns and I would like to thank you and support you for a well balanced piece of literature, which I feel will be held in regard by many.

I would just like to say that regarding some of the UN members constantly threatening to veto, is what ultimately what obviously drove the US decision to go ahead. If not then....when?.....12months?....longer? I think this was the feeling you see, and after all Sadam has had 12 years to comply, but hasn't.

I do so hate conflict, but understand that sometimes people need to stand up and fight Sad
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 2:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

my 2cents:P

first of all i wanna say,saddam has to be stopped!
same to a lot of other ppl around the world!

but whats the way it should happen ?

there are some things i would like to point at:

1.could it be that french and russia are involved in oil-buisiness
with iraq?will their oil-contracts be stopped after this war?
2.whats more important oil or ppl?
-in first iraq-war we made ppl in iraq fight against saddam
but when the war suddenly stopped we left them alone
alot of them have been killed for helping us
none really cared
same when saddam used chemical weapons to fight kurdish ppl in north of iraq-noone was there to protect them
3.why iraq? alot of other arabian states are supporting terrorism as well
maybe much more then saddam
-did the first gulf-war make it possible to fight him cuz of kinda isolating iraq from the rest of arabian-league?what would happen if we would decide to attack other arabian states?
4.whats about those proven evidence politicans talk about?
should we really trust in what they say?
of course bush is right when he says ppl like saddam should
be eleminated as soon as possible but why dont they tell us the truth?
they dont need to tell me about freeing iraq ppl...
and im sure there isnt an taliban-iraq axes which makes it nescessary to
make war with saddam
but i think theres an opportunity to make war with iraq without
other arabian states helping saddam
5.whats about the UN?
why do some states be able to block every resolution by veto?
which state would vote for a resolution if it means to loose millions of dollars?
would the UN be able to decide that for example russia has to stop
a war?i dont think so because they could easily block this resolution by veto

anyways i think there are too much things we dont get told
like those fake-evidence brought by brithish secret-service...
only thing i know is if we would let those moslem-fanatics
carry on their business of terrorism alot of innocent ppl would
have to die in future by bombs and other stuff like we already see
when we take a look at israel
so im finally with bush also i dont agree with his way 100%
and of course im with all those soldiers getting killed
in this war cuz they protect the whole free world even its not their goal:P
of course this war wont stop terrorism,but its another step into the right direction or maybe it will produce much more terrorism who knows?
maybe somewhere in future we will be able to decide what has to be done
without getting manipulated by politicans and their interests...


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 3:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Because I have said how I feel, here are some paragraphs i would like to share, and yes fenerli I did read Jet's post, and if you feel exactly the same way he does, is that media propaganda? Shouldn't you have your own opinion too.....

For more than a decade, the United States and other nations have pursued patient and honorable efforts to disarm the Iraqi regime without war. Peaceful efforts to disarm the Iraqi regime have failed because we are not dealing with peaceful men.

The United States and other nations did nothing to deserve or invite this threat, but we will do everything to defeat it.

The UN Security Council unanimously passed Resolution 1441, finding Iraq in material breach and vowing serious consequences if Iraq did not fully and immediately disarm. Today, no nation claims that Iraq has disarmed.
---- Now look at how they are treating the POWs, look at how iraqi soldier's wave the white flag, then shoot at the captors, is this a country led by a person who has good intentinos?

Eleven weeks after the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution demanding yet again that Iraq disclose and disarm all its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs, it is appropriate to ask, "Has Saddam Hussein finally decided to voluntarily disarm?" Unfortunately, the answer is a clear and resounding no.

There is no mystery to voluntary disarmament. Countries that decide to disarm lead inspectors to weapons and production sites, answer questions before they are asked, state publicly and often the intention to disarm and urge their citizens to cooperate. The world knows from examples set by South Africa, Ukraine and Kazakhstan what it looks like when a government decides that it will cooperatively give up its weapons of mass destruction.

<li>Iraq’s government openly praised the September 11th attacks on America

In the aftermath of the attacks on America that killed thousands of innocents from 80 countries, Saddam Hussein said, “America is reaping the thorns planted by its rulers in the world.” --- is this the kind of person you want to support?

<li>Saddam possesses prohibited missiles

Iraq possesses a force of Scud-type missiles with ranges beyond the 150 kilometers permitted by the U.N.
Work at testing and production facilities shows that Iraq is building more long-range missiles that it can use to inflict mass death throughout the region. ----------- We even saw these missles being used against Kuwait, days ago

Its been 12 Years........ when do we put a stop to it? when its too late?

1991 -- U.N. Security Council Resolution 687 (1991), Section C, declares that Iraq shall accept unconditionally, under international supervision, the "destruction, removal or rendering harmless" of its weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles with a range over 150 kilometers (emphasis added). One week later, Iraq accepts Resolution 687. Its provisions were reiterated and reinforced in subsequent action by the United Nations in June and August of 1991. / The Security Council adopts Resolution 715, which approves joint UNSCOM and IAEA plans for ongoing monitoring and verification. UNSCOMs plan establishes that Iraq shall "accept unconditionally the inspectors and all other personnel designated by the Special Commission"

1992 -- Iraq refuses to comply with an UNSCOM/IAEA decision to destroy certain facilities used in proscribed programs and related items.

1993 -- Iraq refuses to allow UNSCOM to use its own aircraft to fly into Iraq. / Iraq refuses to allow UNSCOM inspectors to install remote-controlled monitoring cameras at two missile engine test stands. / Iraq accepts Resolution 715 and the plans for ongoing monitoring and verification.

1994 -- The Security Council adopts Resolution 949, which demands that Iraq "cooperate fully" with UNSCOM and that it withdraw all military units deployed to southern Iraq to their original positions (emphasis added). Iraq withdraws its forces and resumes working with UNSCOM.

1996 -- Iraqi security forces refuse UNSCOM teams access to five sites designated for inspection. The teams enter the sites after delays of up to 17 hours. / The Security Council adopts Resolution 1060, which terms Iraq's actions a clear violation of the provisions of the council's earlier resolutions. It also demands that Iraq grant "immediate and unrestricted access" to all sites designated for inspection by UNSCOM / Despite the adoption of Resolution 1060, Iraq again denies access to another inspection team. / Iraq blocks UNSCOM from removing remnants of missile engines for in-depth analysis outside Iraq.

1997 -- The Security Council issues a statement calling upon the government of Iraq to cooperate fully with the commission and stresses that failure by Iraq to provide immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access to any site is an unacceptable and clear violation of Security Council resolutions

1998 --
Iraq signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations on February 23, 1998. Iraq pledges to accept all relevant Security Council resolutions, to cooperate fully with UNSCOM and the IAEA, and to grant to UNSCOM and the IAEA "immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access for their inspections / August 5, 1998 The Revolutionary Command Council and the Baath Party Command decide to stop cooperating with UNSCOM and the IAEA until the Security Council agrees to lift the oil embargo as a first step towards ending sanctions.

This Goes on further, but you get the point, we are in 2003, and iraq still has weapons, so this could have easily been avoided, history should tell us something.[/list][/list]

P.S -- good post tecumseh


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Angelina's Man
Angelina's Man

Joined: 14 Apr 2002
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Location: Prague, Czech Republic

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 4:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Which means it is illegal, because the US has given the right and responsability to decide so to the UN. If the US can't live with that, they should take the consequences and give up their UN membership.

Right now no one is able to say if its legal or not, US/UK lawyers say its legal war - based on three other previous UN resolutions about Iraq....

I also wonder what happenden to the English, the Israeli or the US intelligence services. I mean, a couple of hundreds of thousands soldiers to hit one man...?

As general Franks said many times: "We are not fighting against one man, we are fighting against regime."

One hour later, the man was on tv. So either there was something wrong with the intelligence, or something was wrong with the weapons.

Its not sure if it was him or his double, its not sure if it was live (intelligences say it wasnt live) and according to UK intelligence, Hussein was wounded by that attack and 3 important ppl including his oldest son were killed.

Good points Nix, especially about the UN - IMO the UN needs some major reconstruction...
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